
It took a long time to get around to this. I have successfully put off creating a website for years. I had a long list of why nots: there’s never enough time. I didn’t know how to do it. What site should I use as a host? How much will it cost? Is it worth the effort? How do you get a domain name? So many unknowns made the task seem daunting.

Things always seem to fall into place when the time is right. Last fall, a part time job helping a friend reorganize an older website led me to learn how to maintain, update and edit a new website on Squarespace. With some encouragement, I finally jumped in and started to design my own website. Turns out it was not all that difficult. Time consuming, yes. However, finding and taking images of my work has prevent be a lot more work than the layout! I am still sifting through the piles, and I am making new work. So this will be a work in progress. That doesn’t bother me one bit, I can make changes and add new images as needed. It has been a real eye-opener, this big thing that was hanging over my head has become a huge positive. What a great way for me to catalog my work, and put it out there, where people can see it. If I only had a dollar for every time some asked me, “do you have a website where I can see your paintings?”

Not only that, but I discovered that I really enjoyed this project. Starting a blog has always been on the back burner. If anyone follows my Facebook page, you know I like writing about my work and art related topics. The option to have a blog right on my website makes it so easy. How could I resist? My only plan is…not to have a plan. I think I’ll just go with the flow. And see what happens. It’ll be just like a making painting…

(PS. You can click on the Facebook icon in the upper right corner to go straight to my “Paintworks Studio” page.)


Pleine Aire Painting in Spring